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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sharing a read with Ellen Marie Wiseman, how cool is that?

It seems that Ellen Marie Wiseman, she of The Plum Tree, and I have found the same wonderful source for researching the lives of  patients admitted to 'insane' asylums in the early part of the 20th century, a short book entitled The Lives they Left Behind, Suitcases from A State Hospital Attic.  In my opinion it is a well written and factual book complete with photographs and heart wrenching stories. Most of the reviews on Amazon disagree with me, but it was exactly what I wanted at that time.  Ellen was able to interview Darby Penney the author involved with the uncovering of these treasures. What a treat that must have been. We will all have to wait for Ellen's book,  What She Left Behind, which is not available until December 31, 2013. I hate to wait that long, but will just consider it my birthday gift to myself. I am anxious to see how she develops her female character as my main character is also a patient in an asylum and is female. If her tale takes the same twists as mine will take, I have to claim Ellen Marie as a cousin for my story is based upon the 'incarceration'  for the last 20 years of her life of my own great-grandmother. I feel that I am in good company with Ellen Marie and G'Gran Mary Margaret. Check out Ellen's book yourselves....I've added it to my "want to read" shelf. Good Luck, Ellen.

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